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33 résultat(s) recherche sur le tag 'sport'

Titre : Sport and discrimination : the media perspective Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Virginie Sassoon, Auteur Editeur : Strasbourg [France] : Conseil de l'Europe Année de publication : 2008 Importance : 26 p. Format : 24 cm Note générale : Voir la présentation du programme MARS ( Media against Racism in Sport)du Conseil de l'Europe :
http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/mars/Presentation_en.asp (Consulté le 26/11/2011)Langues : Anglais Catégories : MEDIAS: COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISME - Aspects généraux Tags : sport sexisme discrimination égalité hommes-femmes médias journalisme racisme Index. décimale : 796 sport Résumé : "If, from a cultural standpoint, the 1960s and the 1970s were the era of rock music, since the 1990s our societies have entered the “Age of Sport”.
Over-mediatised, globalised, sport - especially football - brings together millions of spectators. Although it enjoys exceptional public popularity and reinforces national cohesion, sport at the same time allows some incredibly racist and violent events to be played out.
How can sports journalists contribute to fairer, more balanced coverage of the competition between nations which sports fixtures frequently involve?
How can sports journalism engage in intercultural dialogue? How can the press and media professionals relay information about anti-discrimination initiatives in their sports reporting? What role can sponsors and their communication strategies play in this area?
These are the questions which the Council of Europe put to the participants in the seminar “Sport and discrimination: the media perspective”, which took place at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on 20 November 2008. (..)"
Extrait de l'introduction en page 5.Note de contenu : - Introduction
- The Council of Europe, Intercultural dialogue and Sport in Europe
- Football in the media spotlight
- Identity issues: everyday racism and the stadium as a place for letting off steam
- Regionalism, nationalism … and Europe?
- Sport as an entertainment industry. Sports media under the influence of business
- Lilian Thuram launches his foundation ‘Education against racism‘
- Sexist sport
- Combating racism in football. The FARE network’s experience
- More preventive action, more sanctions, more media coverage and more self-questioning
En ligne : http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/anti-discrimination-campaign/Source/News/Seminar_sport- [...] Sport and discrimination : the media perspective [texte imprimé] / Virginie Sassoon, Auteur . - Strasbourg (France) : Conseil de l'Europe, 2008 . - 26 p. ; 24 cm.
Voir la présentation du programme MARS ( Media against Racism in Sport)du Conseil de l'Europe :
http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/mars/Presentation_en.asp (Consulté le 26/11/2011)
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : MEDIAS: COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISME - Aspects généraux Tags : sport sexisme discrimination égalité hommes-femmes médias journalisme racisme Index. décimale : 796 sport Résumé : "If, from a cultural standpoint, the 1960s and the 1970s were the era of rock music, since the 1990s our societies have entered the “Age of Sport”.
Over-mediatised, globalised, sport - especially football - brings together millions of spectators. Although it enjoys exceptional public popularity and reinforces national cohesion, sport at the same time allows some incredibly racist and violent events to be played out.
How can sports journalists contribute to fairer, more balanced coverage of the competition between nations which sports fixtures frequently involve?
How can sports journalism engage in intercultural dialogue? How can the press and media professionals relay information about anti-discrimination initiatives in their sports reporting? What role can sponsors and their communication strategies play in this area?
These are the questions which the Council of Europe put to the participants in the seminar “Sport and discrimination: the media perspective”, which took place at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on 20 November 2008. (..)"
Extrait de l'introduction en page 5.Note de contenu : - Introduction
- The Council of Europe, Intercultural dialogue and Sport in Europe
- Football in the media spotlight
- Identity issues: everyday racism and the stadium as a place for letting off steam
- Regionalism, nationalism … and Europe?
- Sport as an entertainment industry. Sports media under the influence of business
- Lilian Thuram launches his foundation ‘Education against racism‘
- Sexist sport
- Combating racism in football. The FARE network’s experience
- More preventive action, more sanctions, more media coverage and more self-questioning
En ligne : http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/anti-discrimination-campaign/Source/News/Seminar_sport- [...] Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1003066 72 SAS SPO Brochure Bibliothèque Documentaires Disponible Sport's journalism, discrimination & diversity - Realities for the future ... / COLLECTIF
Titre : Sport's journalism, discrimination & diversity - Realities for the future ... Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : COLLECTIF, Auteur Editeur : Strasbourg [France] : Conseil de l'Europe Année de publication : (2008) Importance : 36 p. Format : 24 cm Note générale : Voir la présentation du programme MARS ( Media against Racism in Sport)du Conseil de l'Europe :
http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/mars/Presentation_en.asp (Consulté le 26/11/2011)Langues : Anglais Catégories : MEDIAS: COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISME - Aspects généraux Tags : sport sexisme discrimination homophobie handicap égalité hommes-femmes médias journalisme racisme Index. décimale : 796 sport Résumé : "If, from a cultural standpoint, the 1960s and the 1970s were the erea of rock music, since the 1990s our societies have entered the "Age of Sport". Over-mediatised, globalised, sport - especially football - brings together millions of spectators. Although it enjoys exceptional public popularity and reinforces national cohesion, sport at the same time allows some incredibly racist and violent events to be played out.
How can sports journalists contribute to fairer, more balanced coverage of the competition between nations which sports fixtures frequently involve ? How can sports journalism engage in intercultural dialogue ? How can the press and media professionals relay information about anti-discrimination initiatives in their sports reporting ? What role can sponsors and their communication strategies play in this area ?
These are the questions which the Council of Europe put the participants in the seminar "Sport and discrimination : the media perspective", which took place at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on November 2008. (...)
This report sets out the main themes addressed accross the board, on the basis of both the participants' statements and the background documents they provided."
(Extrait de l'introduction, p. 5 et 6)Note de contenu : o Introduction
o The Council of Europe, Intercultural dialogue and Sport in Europe
o Football in the media spotlight
o Identity issues : everyday racism and the stadium as a place for letting off steam
o Regionalism, nationalism … and Europe ?
o Sport as an entertainement industry. Sports media under the influence of business
o Lilan Thuram launches his foundation “Education against racism”
o Sexist sport
o Combating racism in football. The FARE network’s experience
o More preventive action, more sanctions, more media coverage and more self-questioning
Sport's journalism, discrimination & diversity - Realities for the future ... [texte imprimé] / COLLECTIF, Auteur . - Strasbourg (France) : Conseil de l'Europe, (2008) . - 36 p. ; 24 cm.
Voir la présentation du programme MARS ( Media against Racism in Sport)du Conseil de l'Europe :
http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/mars/Presentation_en.asp (Consulté le 26/11/2011)
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : MEDIAS: COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISME - Aspects généraux Tags : sport sexisme discrimination homophobie handicap égalité hommes-femmes médias journalisme racisme Index. décimale : 796 sport Résumé : "If, from a cultural standpoint, the 1960s and the 1970s were the erea of rock music, since the 1990s our societies have entered the "Age of Sport". Over-mediatised, globalised, sport - especially football - brings together millions of spectators. Although it enjoys exceptional public popularity and reinforces national cohesion, sport at the same time allows some incredibly racist and violent events to be played out.
How can sports journalists contribute to fairer, more balanced coverage of the competition between nations which sports fixtures frequently involve ? How can sports journalism engage in intercultural dialogue ? How can the press and media professionals relay information about anti-discrimination initiatives in their sports reporting ? What role can sponsors and their communication strategies play in this area ?
These are the questions which the Council of Europe put the participants in the seminar "Sport and discrimination : the media perspective", which took place at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on November 2008. (...)
This report sets out the main themes addressed accross the board, on the basis of both the participants' statements and the background documents they provided."
(Extrait de l'introduction, p. 5 et 6)Note de contenu : o Introduction
o The Council of Europe, Intercultural dialogue and Sport in Europe
o Football in the media spotlight
o Identity issues : everyday racism and the stadium as a place for letting off steam
o Regionalism, nationalism … and Europe ?
o Sport as an entertainement industry. Sports media under the influence of business
o Lilan Thuram launches his foundation “Education against racism”
o Sexist sport
o Combating racism in football. The FARE network’s experience
o More preventive action, more sanctions, more media coverage and more self-questioning
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1003067 72 COE SPO Brochure Bibliothèque Documentaires Disponible Sport and discrimination in Europe. The perspectives of young European research workers and journalists / William Gasparini
Titre : Sport and discrimination in Europe. The perspectives of young European research workers and journalists Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : William Gasparini, Editeur scientifique ; Clotilde Talleu, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Strasbourg [France] : Conseil de l'Europe Année de publication : 2010 Importance : 157 p. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-92-871-6722-4 Prix : 30,-€ Langues : Anglais Catégories : AUTRES Tags : sport racisme discrimination Index. décimale : 177.5 Pratiques discriminatoires Résumé : "Synopsis
This work presents the main contributions and considerations of young European research workers and journalists on the question of discrimination in sport. Taking a multidisciplinary approach to the social sciences, the authors show how the media and those working in media can act as a relay, through their coverage of sports, for initiatives on the fight against discrimination. They also illustrate in detail not only the reality of discrimination in sport and the controversy surrounding this issue in the member states of the Council of Europe, but also the strength of research incipient in this field.
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) hopes to contribute in this way to the development of European research on education through sport involving researchers from different countries in order to better understand the phenomenon of discrimination.
Foreword: interview with Lilian Thuram."
Source : http://book.coe.int (Consulté le 8/11/2011)
Note de contenu : Preface
Education to prevent racism - Interview with Lilian Thuram
General introduction - What do we mean when we speak of discrimination in sport?
Chapter 1
Sport and discrimination: the media perspective
Sport and discrimination: the media perspective
Chapter 2 : Sports activities and sexual discrimination
- Introduction
- Local sport policies and young residents of suburban neighbourhoods: a marked lack of interest among women and girls
- Gender in ice hockey: women in male territory
- Accessing PE and sports for girls with low educational achievement
- Reasons why girls refuse to take part in sport
- Conclusion
Chapter 3 - Social deficiencies and difficulties: what sports facilities are needed?
- Introduction
- Sport in the welfare system. Sport courses for persons in receipt of the minimum income benefit: between supervision of compliance and support for negotiation relating to identity
- Italian sports policies and disability: a synoptic analysis
- Integration through sport of people with disabilities in Germany: impact and prospects for improvement
- The inclusion of children with a disability in out-of-school sports activities - An assessment of the Finnish programme
- Conclusion
Chapter 4 - The "ethnic minorities" test for sport policies
- Introduction
- Single-community football clubs and Turkish immigration into France and Germany
- Multiculturalism and sport in Madrid - A means of integration
- The involvement of young women of Arab-Muslim culture in university courses in physical education (PE) and sport.
- A comparative study of female students’ exercise habits in France and Tunisia
- Conclusion - The sport test for "social integration"
Overall conclusion
The social dimension of sports clubs: building networks of sports partners against discrimination
(Contents : p. 3)
En ligne : http://book.coe.int/EN/ficheouvrage.php?PAGEID=36&lang=EN&produit_aliasid=2537 Sport and discrimination in Europe. The perspectives of young European research workers and journalists [texte imprimé] / William Gasparini, Editeur scientifique ; Clotilde Talleu, Editeur scientifique . - Strasbourg (France) : Conseil de l'Europe, 2010 . - 157 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-92-871-6722-4 : 30,-€
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : AUTRES Tags : sport racisme discrimination Index. décimale : 177.5 Pratiques discriminatoires Résumé : "Synopsis
This work presents the main contributions and considerations of young European research workers and journalists on the question of discrimination in sport. Taking a multidisciplinary approach to the social sciences, the authors show how the media and those working in media can act as a relay, through their coverage of sports, for initiatives on the fight against discrimination. They also illustrate in detail not only the reality of discrimination in sport and the controversy surrounding this issue in the member states of the Council of Europe, but also the strength of research incipient in this field.
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) hopes to contribute in this way to the development of European research on education through sport involving researchers from different countries in order to better understand the phenomenon of discrimination.
Foreword: interview with Lilian Thuram."
Source : http://book.coe.int (Consulté le 8/11/2011)
Note de contenu : Preface
Education to prevent racism - Interview with Lilian Thuram
General introduction - What do we mean when we speak of discrimination in sport?
Chapter 1
Sport and discrimination: the media perspective
Sport and discrimination: the media perspective
Chapter 2 : Sports activities and sexual discrimination
- Introduction
- Local sport policies and young residents of suburban neighbourhoods: a marked lack of interest among women and girls
- Gender in ice hockey: women in male territory
- Accessing PE and sports for girls with low educational achievement
- Reasons why girls refuse to take part in sport
- Conclusion
Chapter 3 - Social deficiencies and difficulties: what sports facilities are needed?
- Introduction
- Sport in the welfare system. Sport courses for persons in receipt of the minimum income benefit: between supervision of compliance and support for negotiation relating to identity
- Italian sports policies and disability: a synoptic analysis
- Integration through sport of people with disabilities in Germany: impact and prospects for improvement
- The inclusion of children with a disability in out-of-school sports activities - An assessment of the Finnish programme
- Conclusion
Chapter 4 - The "ethnic minorities" test for sport policies
- Introduction
- Single-community football clubs and Turkish immigration into France and Germany
- Multiculturalism and sport in Madrid - A means of integration
- The involvement of young women of Arab-Muslim culture in university courses in physical education (PE) and sport.
- A comparative study of female students’ exercise habits in France and Tunisia
- Conclusion - The sport test for "social integration"
Overall conclusion
The social dimension of sports clubs: building networks of sports partners against discrimination
(Contents : p. 3)
En ligne : http://book.coe.int/EN/ficheouvrage.php?PAGEID=36&lang=EN&produit_aliasid=2537 Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1003074 722 COE SPO Livre Bibliothèque Documentaires Disponible 11 - Juillet-Août 2006 - Sport et télévision une histoire d'argent? (Bulletin de Les Nouveaux Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel (ex : Les Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel))
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 11 - Juillet-Août 2006 - Sport et télévision une histoire d'argent? Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2006 Langues : Français Catégories : MEDIAS:AUDIOVISUEL: TELEVISION: Programmes / Contenu Tags : télévision sport information Index. décimale : 796 sport [n° ou bulletin] 11 - Juillet-Août 2006 - Sport et télévision une histoire d'argent? [texte imprimé] . - 2006.
Langues : Français
Catégories : MEDIAS:AUDIOVISUEL: TELEVISION: Programmes / Contenu Tags : télévision sport information Index. décimale : 796 sport Contient
- Les acteurs en Lice (dossier) in Les Nouveaux Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel (ex : Les Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel), 11 (Juillet-Août 2006)
- Quand la télé dérègle le sport / Bruno Fraioli in Les Nouveaux Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel (ex : Les Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel), 11 (Juillet-Août 2006)
- Les nouveaux écrans au pied du podium / Isabelle Repiton in Les Nouveaux Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel (ex : Les Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel), 11 (Juillet-Août 2006)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité P-001274 PER NOU Périodique Bibliothèque Documentaires Disponible Iris-Plus - 2016-2 - Audiovisual sports rights between exclusivity and right to information (Bulletin de IRIS) / Susanne Nikoltchev
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : Iris-Plus - 2016-2 - Audiovisual sports rights between exclusivity and right to information Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Susanne Nikoltchev, Editeur scientifique ; Maja Cappello, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef ; Francisco Javier Cabrera Blazquez, Auteur ; Sophie Valais, Auteur ; Gilles Fontaine, Auteur Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 106 p Format : électronique Langues : Anglais Français Catégories : DROIT : Droit européen : Radio & TV
PERIODIQUESTags : audiovisuel Europe rapport sport droits sportifs vidéo à la demande droit européen Index. décimale : 796 sport Résumé : "This new free report looks at:
• the principles of the ownership, management and licensing of rights in sports events
• the international and European legal framework for sports broadcasting
• national legal frameworks for sports broadcasting in major “sports nations”
• self regulation mechanisms currently in place in the sport sector
• European case law in the field of sports before chapter six looks at
• the state of play of the revision of the AVMSD"
Source : http://www.obs.coe.int/ (Communiqué de presse du 08/07/2016).
Note de contenu : Table des matières abrégée :
1. Setting the scene
1.1. Sports rights: new players enter the are
1.2. The legal nature of audiovisual sports rights
2. International and European legal framework
2.1. International conventions related to media and sport
2.2. The European framework
3. National legal framework
3.1. The marketing of audiovisual football rights
3.2. The implementation of Articles 14 and 15 of the AVMSD
4. Self-regulation
4.1. The autonomy of sport organisations
4.2. Towards a “supervised” autonomy of sport organisations
5. European Case Law
5.1. Decisions of the European Commission
5.2. Case-Law of the CJEU
6. State of play
6.1. The revision of the AVMSD
6.2. Major sport events in the future
En ligne : http://www.obs.coe.int/documents/205595/8351541/IRIS+Plus+2016-2+Audiovisual+spo [...] [n° ou bulletin] Iris-Plus - 2016-2 - Audiovisual sports rights between exclusivity and right to information [document électronique] / Susanne Nikoltchev, Editeur scientifique ; Maja Cappello, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef ; Francisco Javier Cabrera Blazquez, Auteur ; Sophie Valais, Auteur ; Gilles Fontaine, Auteur . - 2016 . - 106 p ; électronique.
Langues : Anglais Français
Catégories : DROIT : Droit européen : Radio & TV
PERIODIQUESTags : audiovisuel Europe rapport sport droits sportifs vidéo à la demande droit européen Index. décimale : 796 sport Résumé : "This new free report looks at:
• the principles of the ownership, management and licensing of rights in sports events
• the international and European legal framework for sports broadcasting
• national legal frameworks for sports broadcasting in major “sports nations”
• self regulation mechanisms currently in place in the sport sector
• European case law in the field of sports before chapter six looks at
• the state of play of the revision of the AVMSD"
Source : http://www.obs.coe.int/ (Communiqué de presse du 08/07/2016).
Note de contenu : Table des matières abrégée :
1. Setting the scene
1.1. Sports rights: new players enter the are
1.2. The legal nature of audiovisual sports rights
2. International and European legal framework
2.1. International conventions related to media and sport
2.2. The European framework
3. National legal framework
3.1. The marketing of audiovisual football rights
3.2. The implementation of Articles 14 and 15 of the AVMSD
4. Self-regulation
4.1. The autonomy of sport organisations
4.2. Towards a “supervised” autonomy of sport organisations
5. European Case Law
5.1. Decisions of the European Commission
5.2. Case-Law of the CJEU
6. State of play
6.1. The revision of the AVMSD
6.2. Major sport events in the future
En ligne : http://www.obs.coe.int/documents/205595/8351541/IRIS+Plus+2016-2+Audiovisual+spo [...] Quand la télé dérègle le sport / Bruno Fraioli in Les Nouveaux Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel (ex : Les Dossiers de l'Audiovisuel), 11 (Juillet-Août 2006)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkRace, racism and sports journalism / Neil Farrington